Swimming Pools, Sports and Leisure Centres
Halotherapy. A service which genuinely improves your users’ health and well-being will keep them coming back for more.
How will buying a halogenerator increase admissions?
A new service will always whet the users’ interest. Providing halotherapy at a swimming pool, sports or leisure centre offers variety, added value and real, perceptible benefits, all of which bring normally bring increased admissions in their wake.
How will it keep people coming back for more?
Ambitious New Year Resolutions are short-lived and people rapidly lose heart. The everyday routine reasserts itself and with it, the habit of spending long hours in front of the television. So what is needed is a way of sustaining people’s initial enthusiasm. Experiencing clear and genuine benefits from spending time at a swimming pool, sports or leisure centre makes it a compelling place to visit. And the SALSANO DC-405 halogenerator provides just such benefits.
In an era when the pace of life is becoming ever faster and we are exposed to stress on a daily basis, we are tending to turn to swimming pools, sports and leisure centres which not only offer us sport, but also a wide range of the services often referred to as biological rejuvenation, regeneration or renewal, services that improve our health and well-being. As a result, people no longer associate those centres with, swimming and sport alone. They are also seen as places for relaxation and nurturing our health.
A SALSANO DC-405 halogenerator does exactly that. Thanks to its selection of themed programmes, it can be employed in small, medium and large indoor spaces and suited to different age groups. It has a wide spectrum of potential uses and can be combined with an entire range of activities, enhancing them all with the health-giving properties of dry salt aerosol.
For example, a play area can be set up, where its youthful users will breathe healthful air enriched with dry salt aerosol. Active pursuits such as fitness-based classes, weight training, yoga classes and so forth can all be enhanced by the addition of dry salt aerosol, while an aerosol-rich, beach-like space can be provided those in search of rest and relaxation.
With the SALSANO DC-405 halogenerator, the programme can be matched to the various requirements of the centre’s different users. Children, young people, adults and seniors can all experience the healthful effect of dry salt aerosol and such a perceptible benefit should not only bring them back for more, but should also ensure that they spread the word.
Providing a new service which offers variety and added value in the form of clear and genuine benefits will increase the facility’s appeal and set it streets ahead of the competition.